Vastu evaluation Tool

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Vastu evaluation Tool

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Choose the direction:

What is the Plot facing?
 East  West  North  South  Northeast  Northwest  Southeast  Southwest
Where is the Main Entrance/Gate?
 East  West  North  South  Northeast  Northwest  Southeast  Southwest
Where is the Kitchen?
 East  West  North  South  Northeast  Northwest  Southeast  Southwest
Where is the Master bedroom?
 East  West  North  South  Northeast  Northwest  Southeast  Southwest
Where is the Children's bedroom?
 East  West  North  South  Northeast  Northwest  Southeast  Southwest
Where is the Guest Room?
 East  West  North  South  Northeast  Northwest  Southeast  Southwest
Where is the Drawing Room?
 East  West  North  South  Northeast  Northwest  Southeast  Southwest
Where is the Dining Room?
 East  West  North  South  Northeast  Northwest  Southeast  Southwest
Where is the Staircase?
 East  West  North  South  Northeast  Northwest  Southeast  Southwest
Where is the Balcony?
 East  West  North  South  Northeast  Northwest  Southeast  Southwest
Where is the Pooja room/
 East  West  North  South  Northeast  Northwest  Southeast  Southwest
Where is the Study room?
 East  West  North  South  Northeast  Northwest  Southeast  Southwest
Where is the Store room?
 East  West  North  South  Northeast  Northwest  Southeast  Southwest
Where is the Tube-well or Underground Tank?
 East  West  North  South  Northeast  Northwest  Southeast  Southwest
Where is the Toilets or bathrooms?
 East  West  North  South  Northeast  Northwest  Southeast  Southwest
Where is the Garage or Servant's Quarters?
 East  West  North  South  Northeast  Northwest  Southeast  Southwest
Where is the Garden?
 East  West  North  South  Northeast  Northwest  Southeast  Southwest
Where is the Electric meter?
 East  West  North  South  Northeast  Northwest  Southeast  Southwest
Where is the Home office?
 East  West  North  South  Northeast  Northwest  Southeast  Southwest
Where is the Laundry?
 East  West  North  South  Northeast  Northwest  Southeast  Southwest
Where is the Septic tank?
 East  West  North  South  Northeast  Northwest  Southeast  Southwest
Where is the Treasury?
 East  West  North  South  Northeast  Northwest  Southeast  Southwest
Where is the Library?
 East  West  North  South  Northeast  Northwest  Southeast  Southwest
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